Exclusive Calls

Being Bipolar and Kicking Ass at Life

Wait, are you talking to me? The June Tribal rainmakers call made me realize why I am able to lead the life I always aspired to. Typically I listen to the Tribal Rainmakers call as…

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Leadership in Health Care (Jan. 4th, 2011)

Cultivate the leadership among your entire staff resulting in a transformation of care in your organization. As an executive or senior manager, you can not do the work or make the decisions for your staff….

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Steps to World Class Leadership

Is world-class leadership exclusive to a few high performing executives, or is it attainable by regular business people with passion and drive? We assert that the essence to world-class leadership is completely attainable by all…

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Unlocking Your Genius With Dave Logan

Unlocking your Genius When you listen to this recording, you will learn how to allow your unique genius to shine through and collaborate on projects with other geniuses! If you’re like me, you’ve lived a…

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Default Future to Stage Five Tribes

“Default Future to Stage Five Tribes” Default Future – “the future that was going to happen unless something dramatic and unexpected happens.” (pg 12 from The Three Laws of Performance) How to create a future that…

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