Dave Logan

Rewriting your Default Future

Default Future – “the future that was going to happen unless something dramatic and unexpected happens.” (pg 12 from The Three Laws of Performance) “Default Future” POD Cast with Dave Logan Learn how to create…

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From Hero’s Journey to Leader’s Arc

The hero’s journey would have remained obscure except that it became the template a young George Lucas used for Star Wars. The success of that movie, and other stories based on the template, made storytellers…

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Schedule Your Life Repair Day

Ever sit at your desk, jump into email, only to just get overwhelmed by all the stuff?  Every unread message, every unpaid bill, every piece of paper is like a little voice calling out to…

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TED Talk on Tribal Leadership

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Recession Proofing Your Business: Part 1

Is there a secret to so-called “recession-proofing” in business? Can you still improve performance, products, and productivity when the going gets tough? The answer to both these questions is a resounding yes…if you know how…

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