
The New Wave of Spirituality: Work

I had more time to think about the Pew research study on religion than most people. One of their pollsters phoned me when I was home sick, and since I had nothing better to do,…

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Five worst ways to fire someone

If you have never been fired, then you either work at a Stage Two company where under-achieving is rewarded, or you’ve chosen not to be completely honest when your boss says, “Do you have any…

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Tribal Leadership Tip #6

Speak in Stages 2-5 We’ve heard hundreds of speeches from company leaders and most are as impactful as generic mayonnaise. The reason is that most speeches are written in Stage Five, and most people (96%)…

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Tribal Leadership Tip #1

Three is the new two. [br]The most valuable relationships are not made of two people, they’re made of three.  A third person will always stabilize and grow the relationship between the other two. It’s called a…

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Tribal Leadership Tip #2

Elevate Individuals out of Stage Two.[br] Tribal Leaders advance each member of their their tribe to the next stage.  Most groups have members stuck at Stage Two, where the mantra is, ”my life sucks.”  Such…

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