Month: June 2012

Physician Leadership

This week, my CBS Money Watch blog focused on what the Supreme Court’s decision means, and doesn’t mean. The bottom line is that business has been demonstrating leadership by reducing costs in the industry, while…

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Open Letter to the Tribal Leadership Community

You are a diverse and fascinating bunch, capable of just about anything, and I’m hoping you can help me do something important: get me an interview with George Lucas. This is for my next book,…

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Your Creative and Productive Genius

On this week’s CBS Money Watch blog, I wrote about one of my favorite topics: finding when your creative and productive geniuses are at the best during the workday. This blog was inspired by a…

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How NOT to use Tribal Leadership

Just the other day a reader of Tribal Leadership sent an email to CultureSync asking: “how can I get my boss to read this book and make these changes?” It’s a great question. It took…

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